Explaining the Fibonacci Roulette System

Many consider the Fibonacci strategy roulette one of the most secure roulette betting strategies. 

We dive into the core of the Fibonacci strategy roulette and explain exactly what it is. This is the most aggressive method of betting on roulette.

Introduction to the Fibonacci Strategy Roulette

The roots of Fibonacci’s betting system can be traced back to 1202, when Leonardo Fibonacci, a mathematician, created a mathematical equation that is now known as the Fibonacci number. 

This sequence shows that each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, as shown by the Fibonacci Spiral. The Fibonacci sequence has been part of a betting system for online and other casino games for over 100 years. 

The Fibonacci strategy roulette uses a negative progression sequence. This system is safer than many other options. 

The Fibonacci system in roulette allows you to combine two of your previous wagers after a loss rather than aggressively double your bets like in Martingale.

How does the Fibonacci Betting System work?

Once you have a basic understanding of the system, using the Fibonacci strategy for roulette is simple. 

You can lose one unit and then place another wager equal to the sum of the two previous numbers. Roulette is a game that you can lose more often because of the house edge.

The math behind Fibonacci betting is not simple at first glance. You will lose more and more as you play. 

Understanding the Fibonacci Strategy Roulette 

The good news is that the Fibonacci strategy roulette doesn’t seem nearly as complicated as it seems. The best way to illustrate the theory is to show the Fibonacci sequence.

0 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610

The golden rule of the theory is that each number is the sum of the two previous numbers added together. For example, 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 3+2=3, 4+3=5, and so on.

Although the theory starts at one, the sequence rules can be applied to any number. This means that the sequence can continue indefinitely. We recommend starting with one if you want to play online roulette.

What Bets can be used with the Fibonacci Strategy Roulette?

There are many types of online roulette, including American, European, and French versions. Online or live casino, there are more than a dozen ways to bet on the game, also known as inside and outside bets.

You can place wagers on all types of wagering options. However, the fibonacci strategy roulette is limited to certain bets. 

These bets are outside or even money and give you an almost 50/50 chance. These bets are most familiar to most people as they are among the most popular in roulette.

The Advantages of Fibonacci Strategy Roulette 

After 10 spins, the player is still in the red. This is a PS1 base unit with seven losing spins. The negative progression format has meant that the PS13 spin can wipe out most losses.

The Fibonacci, however, does not reset the stake like the Martingale. Instead, it moves the stake down just a few levels. The player still has the opportunity to recover their losses much faster.

Any betting plan that is small can work well for your bankroll. You can also try a different system, such as the Martingale, with smaller bets.

The Disadvantages of the Fibonacci Strategy Roulette 

Fibonacci is like all other negative progression betting systems. It is possible to lose a lot of money in roulette. Your losses could spiral out of control if that happens. These spirals are not what Fibonacci intended when he created the sequence.

The Fibonacci system only works for even-money wagers such as red/black, odd/even, and other options. If you prefer straight-up wagers that pay 35/1 on single numbers, the system is not for you.

It is important to know the house edge in roulette. European Roulette has one green zero pocket. Any even-money bets such as red or black that are placed will lose if the ball lands. This is what gives the casino its advantage.

The house edge in European Roulette is 2.7%. Players will lose PS2.70 for every PS100 they wager just by playing. This increases to 5.26 percent in American Roulette, which has two green pockets. It would help if you choose the correct roulette variant before you begin playing.


Eventually if you are here then you have completed the entire article, we have added every important point that you had to know. We hope you found information you were looking for about the fibonacci roulette system. 

Next time when you will be playing roulette, must remember to follow fibonacci strategy roulette.